Indoor Hydroponic Garden
The Up-cycle Boxed Water project is to reuse the box to become a plant holder for a Hydroponic garden inside your home or office. The idea was inspired by my father and his passion for growing plants using alternative methods. My Father and I have constructed a Greenhouse where we have a Hydroponic Garden, and grow many fruits and vegetables with the Hydroponic method. The intended idea for this project is to create a simple model of a Hydroponic garden, so that any age can grow plants inside their home, apartment, or office and not get messy with all the soil and water. The space should be well lit by natural or artificial light and the amount of boxes can be adapted to the amount of space you have. It’s not only great that you can grow plants for decoration, but using the Boxed Water you will be recycling and helping the environment by leaving a lower carbon footprint. The major benefit to this proposal is that you can have your own small indoor garden with decorative plants, herbs to cook with, or vegetables to eat, that will grow all year round!
Its a really nice Blog. The size of the LEDs growing lights themselves is too small so these light units make use of optical components to create reflection and shape the pattern of the light.